BHP1 coming Summer 2024

Our Goal.

Our goal is to design, manufacture, test and refine a human-powered vehicle that can win races and set records. We aim to pioneer a new competition team at the University of Bath that will provide opportunities for aspiring engineers to tackle the challenges of a fast moving, technical project where there are few design constraints, offering the freedom to be creative and innovative. In 2024 we are targeting the World Human Powered-Vehicle Championships in August 2024 at Betteshanger Park in Kent.
The countdown to race day has begun...


Our Motives.

The main motive behind the project is to setup the foundations for a competition team at the University of Bath, leaving behind a legacy that will still have impact for years to come. This will allow fellow young engineers the chance to sustainably implement, industry-standard engineering practice to a real-world engineering challenge. We also want to develop our individual skillset, from leadership, communication and teamwork to business acumen, design, and manufacturing.

Our Plan.

We are currently generating a concept design along with a brand identity that exhibits our core team values and in-turn use this to gain financial aid using the generosity of sponsors and donors. This is a crucial part to our journey that will determine the direction of this project over the next few months. Our target is to have a full-scale prototype by the early Summer, providing us with ample time to prepare for the World Championships in August.
